Tuesday, 18 May 2010

National Healing and Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: Challenges and Opportunities.

The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa has published a monograph by a Zimbabwean, Mrs Pamela Machakanja of the Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance at Africa University titled,"National Healing and Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: Challenges and Opportunities". The paper highlights the importance of instituting transitional justice mechanisms including truth seeking and truth telling if Zimbabwe is to close a sad chapter in its history and open a new chapter that instills durable and sustainable peace for all Zimbabweans. Indeed there cannot be durable peace in Zimbabwe unless the historical prejudices and imbalances are remedied as the victims will always seek revenge at personal level thus making it difficult to have a stable and peaceful nation. The paper is worth reading for those in the field of peace, justice and human rights and can be accessed here .